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Kennington Osteopathic Practice

Essential Foods For Pain Reduction & Inflammation

October 26, 2023
Essential foods for pain reduction & inflammation

'You are what you eat.' How many times have you heard or said this famous phrase? This phase is especially true when it comes to the issue of chronic pain. "A lot of chronic pain is the result of chronic inflammation, and the evidence is quite strong that your diet can contribute to increased systemic inflammation," says Dr. Fred Tabung of the Department of Nutrition at Harvard's T.H. Chan School of Public Health. "But your diet is also one of the best ways to reduce it." Research shows that foods and drinks that reduce inflammation can reduce chronic pain and improve mood. And, as you'd expect, avoiding foods and drinks that cause inflammation will help reduce pain further.

What is the role of inflammation? Inflammation has a bad reputation, and because of the pain it can cause, you can see why. It's a Jekyll and Hyde character when it comes to your health. If you're injured or get infected, inflammation signals the immune system to send white blood cells to the affected areas to repair and fight for you. After the healing process has passed, the inflammation usually subsides, too. Sometimes, your immune system 'stays on' after the infection or the injury heals, increasing damage to healthy cells and organs and resulting in nagging pain throughout affected areas. Chronic inflammation also increases risks for your heart, certain types of cancer, and Alzheimer's disease, among other things.

How does your diet fit into all this? "Your diet can help support your immune system by turning it on and off at the appropriate times. Yet a poor diet can alter your immune system, so it acts abnormally and can contribute to persistent low-grade inflammation," says Dr Tabung. So, where do you start? What are the best anti-inflammation foods you can get your hands on? We've scoured the internet and collated the best fares from the best research to make your life easier. Consider it your cheat sheet for diet-based pain reduction!

Ginger A cornerstone of traditional medicine, this potent root is best known for its anti-nausea effects but can also fight pain. One study found that ginger tablets worked as well as drugs like ibuprofen for relieving menstrual pain.

Garlic Garlic, another cornerstone of traditional food and medicine, has been shown to reduce inflammation and aid joint pain, among many other things.

Virgin Olive Oil Olive oil contains a compound called oleocanthal. Virgin olive oil has effects that work in the same way as ibuprofen. When cooking with olive oil, you must know that the hotter you cook, the lower the benefits return.

Salmon Salmon will be on every 'great for you' food list you care to find, and for good reason. It's a heart-healthy fish crammed full of omega-3 fatty acids, which aid in fighting inflammation. The fatty acids can help stop the inflammation process before it even has a chance to start.

Turmeric Turmeric is a great food to add to your diet to help fight the good fight against inflammation. Curcumin is the main active ingredient in turmeric. It has been shown to possess substantial anti-inflammatory benefits and is a potent antioxidant. Add it to soups and smoothies or an easy way to reap the benefits.

Chilli Peppers Hot peppers are also chock-full of vitamins B-6, C, and capsaicin, which have well-documented painkilling and anti-inflammatory properties. Research has also shown that consuming chillies benefits heart and lung health as well as helping metabolic balance. How hot you go is up to you.

Blueberries are Jam-packed with phytonutrients; these berries fight inflammation and reduce pain. Frozen blueberries can be as nutrient-rich as fresh blueberries if you're not in season. Some other fruits with antioxidants and polyphenols to seek out include pineapple, oranges, and strawberries.

Garlic Garlic, another cornerstone of traditional food and medicine, has been shown to reduce inflammation and aid joint pain, among many other things. Much research also states that eliminating gluten, dairy, and sugar enables the body to run in a reduced inflammatory state. I am currently doing this as I have always avoided gluten and dairy. Reducing sugar intake is also beneficial. Everybody's circumstances are different, and the reasons behind making dietary changes can be challenging, so please think long and hard about why you are seeking modifications through food. If you want to add something to the list that currently helps you, please get in touch and I'll happily add to the list, but all the above certainly helps me :) 

Until next time, Stay safe,

Sophie x

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Sophie specialises in providing pain relief and self management techniques through the use of hands on therapy and health care expertise.